The European Projects Portal

Web essentials

We all use websites but how exactly do they function? In this course you will learn the fundamentals of the web including where and how sites are hosted, how the browser communicates with the host, how data is stored online and security issues. Everything is explained in a live interactive session. No prior knowledge is required.


Students and teachers who are interested to know how online systems work but are not necessarily intending to develop web applications themselves.


To understand the relationship between the client and server, the purpose of the database, and administration of the hosting account.

1 week Ref: ECWE

Week 1

Day 1
How the worldwide web works

Following a brief history of the development of the worldwide web, this module explains domain naming, registration, hosting, administration and security.

Day 2
Practical field work

The student uses a smartphone to capture an image and text along with its geolocation, which is displayed on a web page using Google Maps or posted in social media to demonstrate the practical application of what they have learned. This module can be taken at any point during the course.

Day 3
Introduction to browsers

Interview to assess the group's appreciation of HTML, CSS and Javascript, the software used to edit, upload and test code, and the outcomes of the program. Health and safety rules at work.

Day 4
Introduction to servers

The student will learn the relationship between a client, server and the database. Editing, uploading and testing code.

Day 5
Introduction to databases

The student will learn the fundamentals of good database design. Creating and maintaining database tables.
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