The European Projects Portal

Smart Home

In this course the students get exposure to all aspects of a smart home system from off-the-shelf commercial devices to a custom made relay board and includes the installation of a local server as well as interfaces on the web and smartphone.


Students in mechatronics, electronics, IT, networking, electrics, architecture and programming.


To understand the relation between electronics, electrics and IT within one system. Control a range of devices remotely. Make a complete system from zero.

1 - 2 weeks Ref: ECSH

Week 1

Day 1

The student will perform a simulated interview practice and learning the outcomes of the program. Health and safety rules at work.

Day 2
Raspberry Pi Installation and Configuration

The student will create a bootable operating system on the Raspberry Pi, setting up local network and update/upgrade the OS.

Day 3
Installation of libraries and setting up an SSH client

The student will perform all library installation on our system and create a remote access point to our system with an SSH client.

Day 4
Smart home server

The student will create a localhost server that links to our Raspberry Pi to send commands remotely per WEB or per APP.

Day 5
GPIO integration

The student will program the Raspberry Pi to allow a direct communication between our localhost server and the GPIO port.

Week 2

Day 1
Add devices and groups

The student will make a floorplan on our server, add the switches or devices and make groups depending on rooms.

Day 2
Create scenes and automated tasks

The student will create automated functions with a chosen programming language (Python, C++, Blckly, etc.).

Day 3
Video and audio synchronisation with lighting

The student will integrate a video/audio server to our system to be able to control room lighting depending on status of video, audio or image.

Day 4
Merging different Smart Home systems together

The student will create a common platform for different brands, to be able to control all systems from one.

Day 5
Voice control and smartphone use

The student will program the Smart Home systems to be able to react to voice commands. Link our system to a smartphone application.
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