The European Projects Portal


This course is available for people who want to get started in robotics and the world of actuators and sensors. From 3D modelling to C++ programming, this course is full of new things to learn.


People interested in learning basic C++ programming, robotics, electronics and mechatronics.


To manufacture your own robotic model, whether it's a robotic arm or robot car. To understand how sensors and actuators work and how we can program them to work simultaneously.

2 - 4 weeks Ref: ECRA

Week 1

Day 1

The student will perform a simulated interview practice and learning the outcomes of the program. Health and safety rules at work.

Day 2
Single layer PCB Design

The student will learn how to create and design their own electronic circuit boards using a single layer board.

Day 3
Schematic design

The students will translate their made PCBs into schematics to understand the function of the board they have created and document the production. Take into consideration 4 motors.

Day 4
3D Modelling and 3D Printing

The students will make 3D models on Blender for robot. Whether it's a robotic arm or robotic vehicle, we will designt all main parts for the model and print them.

Day 5
PCB and Soldering

The student will take their PCB design and make their PCBs on copper plates. Once this part is done, they will continue to solder all components, following their schematics.

Week 2

Day 1
Assembly and Wiring

The student will start with the assembly of the robotic model. Our model will use different moving parts so we have to make sure the assembly is perfect.

Day 2

The student will write a program with actuators and sensors in C++ using Arduino IDE.

Day 3
Robotics with push buttons

The students will write a program that is controlled by push buttons.

Day 4
Robotics with joysticks

The students will write a program that is controlled by joysticks, taking into consideration the 9 different positions of a joystick.

Day 5
Robotics with RC Controller

The students will write a program to control their robotics from a remote control unit.
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