The European Projects Portal

Digital Business

Administrations jobs use databases and communication services to gain clients, interact with them and manage them. Learn how to make your own digital business with this course.


People interested in business, administration, economics, marketing and logistics.


To create a digital solution for business to send out invoices, products, offers and newsletters.

1 - 2 weeks Ref: ECDG

Week 1

Day 1

The student will perform a simulated interview practice and learning the outcomes of the program. Health and safety rules at work.

Day 2
Business Idea

The student will come up with an idea of a dream business that they will use as an example for their project.

Day 3
Business plan

The student will transform their business idea into an actual business plan, to organise size, employees, service or product, location and resources.

Day 4

The student will design all the marketing and promotional material following standards and design rules. All marketing and promotional will be made for use on big screens and smaller devices like smartphones.

Day 5

The student will create an online database to manage inventory and stock. The database will also allow us to have clients, employees, external services.

Week 2

Day 1
Invoices and offers

The student will design a invoice template with auto-fill so that we can send professional offers to our clients.

Day 2

The student will create barcodes and QR codes automatically within their database to identify products and clients. Link scanned codes from the smartphone directly with the database with a remote server.

Day 3
External services

The student will learn how to link external services to their database for easy booking with availability and prices.

Day 4
Emailing and newsletter

The student will add an emailing client to their database to send deals, offers and invoices directly from the database to the client. How to edit emails to get better response and less chance of spam folders.

Day 5
Real life practice

The student will put all their created content into practice with offering their product or services directly to a client. Receive feedback on the service offered and control gained clients and lost clients.
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