The European Projects Portal


Animation is an essential skill in gaming, digital content creation, and promotional videos. With this course, students will learn how to design digital graphics and bring their creations to life.


Students in IT, marketing, CAD, game design, graphic and media design. People interested in putting their creative and technical skills together.


Create animated objects and moving graphics for promotional use. Understand industry standard software through practical projects.

1 - 2 weeks Ref: ECAN

Week 1

Day 1

The student will perform a simulated interview practice and learning the outcomes of the program. Health and safety rules at work.

Day 2

The student will learn how to use the modeling and animation software. How to navigate through the program and use different basic tools to get started.

Day 3

The student will learn how to add basic objects, change material, use the sculpt function and add more shapes to your original object.

Day 4
Editing objects

The student will learn how to add shading, perform proportional editing, deformations and shrinking of objects.

Day 5
Editing secondary objects

The student will edit a secondary object to add special textures, forms and shapes to their primary object, all with using the previously learnt functions.

Week 2

Day 1
Geometry nodes

The student will learn how to use geometry nodes, to be able to program movements and animations to their object.

Day 2

The student will learn how we can render our model by using different materials, colours and lamp location to give our object the perfect look.

Day 3

The student will learn how to add different types of lighting, lighting positions, artificial lights and natural sun light to our animation depending on the wanted outcome.

Day 4

The student will learn the basics of keyframing, creating rotating keyframes, adding pivot objects, set frames, editing the graph editor and setting final/end frames.

Day 5
Rendering and Exporting

The student will render their animation and export it to be able to use it outside the given software.
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