The European Projects Portal

3D Printing and 3D Modelling

Plastic models and plastic figures are used for most products nowadays. With this course students will learn how to design prototypes and make their own 3D printed objects.


Students in mechatronics, CAD, architecture, electronics and graphic design. People interested in putting their creative and technical skills together.


To be able to produce 3D objects with different materials, using different machines and also being able to carry out maintenance on the machines.

1 - 2 weeks Ref: EC3D

Week 1

Day 1

The student will learn about the software, hotkeys and general tips and tricks inside the program.

Day 2
3D Printers

The student will learn the purposes of a 3D Printer, the parts it has, the faults it can present and the maintenance needed to make the printer work perfectly.

Day 3
Slicer and Calibration

The student will select a random 3D object to print and learn all about the different settings involved in printing. Carry out calibration tasks to fine tune the printer to produce best quality plastic objects.

Day 4
Basic 3D Modeling

The student will learn how to design basic 3D Models with CAD software. Basic shapes and holes.

Day 5
Intermediate 3D Modeling

The student will design 3D models with complex forms and sculptures. Add different surfaces to the objects for smooth, rough or textured surface.

Week 2

Day 1
Advanced 3D Modeling

The student will design moving 3D objects with articulated parts, sliding parts and fitting pieces. Objects must move smoothly and fit perfectly.

Day 2
3D Printing Basics

The student will print simple objects to get used to how the machine functions. Make sure all parts are working perfectly.

Day 3
3D Printing Advanced

The student will start to print the objects we have designed and fix settings, calibration and slicing if needed.

Day 4
Part repair and replacement

The student will manually improve our printed objects, whether it's the surface or the structure. Replace parts on the 3D printer if needed.

Day 5
Mounting and testing

The student will mount all printed parts from our Advanced 3D Modeling module to make a final product. Correct errors if needed and present the final product.
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